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I came across the Cortex nootropic stack when I happened upon the “Live Cortex” podcast whilst searching for podcasts talking about nootropics.

The podcast is pretty good and during the course of it he talks up his product quite a bit. He gives frequent customer testimonials and talks about how it works really well for him. So, it really sounded great.

Of course, it’s going to sound amazing when you hear it from the guy who created it. But, it’s also a bit different than the other stacks and nootropics I’ve heard about thus far – in my admittedly short stint in learning about these things.

It’s different because the main component is Uridine Monophosphate. This is a pretty interesting compound that’s actually found in breastmilk. This, to me, is a big indicator of huge potential.


Well, mother’s milk is what helps feed and nurture the developing brain during the time in which it is developing and learning at its fastest rate. So, mother’s milk must have some powerful constituents for the brain and body.

How’s it going with Cortex?

It’s been hard to tell really until recently. The last few of days have been in some ways mixed. Here’s the play-by-play:

Day 1 Monday– I tried just 1 capsule. It’s pretty expensive stuff and the bottle comes with 30 caps but the recommended dose is 2/day which means it only lasts 15 days. My inner cheapskate came out and I was hoping that just one would do the trick.

No Deal.

I really didn’t notice anything. I mean sometimes these things are subtle and you need some time to gauge it. I didn’t think there was much going on.

Day 2 Tuesday – I upped it to 2 caps this day, but moved it to later in the day because I had a dentist appointment that morning and didn’t want to have some adverse reaction whilst sharp instruments were in my mouth.

Again, I didn’t really notice much. However, my wife thought it might be working. This is because I did get some stuff done despite getting some discouraging news from the dentist.

Day 3 Wednesday – Finally was able to take it first thing on an empty stomach (2 caps) to try to get the full effects. This day, however, was mixed results.

I felt pretty clear headed for sure and a noticeable increase in mental energy. I got a lot done. It wasn’t things on my to do list though. It was like I was jumping from task to task based on what was most interesting which is not optimal and is pretty much how I normally operate but I was able to get a lot done on those things nonetheless. This effect really only lasted in the morning. Later in the day I was kind of burned out and also feeling down.

Day 4 Thursday – 2 caps first thing on an emtpy stomach. This was pretty similar to the day before. Noticeable improvement in the morning and tired/negative mood effects later on. The improvements in the morning seemed a bit more powerful today than the day before.

A side note, the tiredness and mood effects were starting to concern me a bit. However, I had been on a stretch of waking up much earlier than normal. This happens to me every once in a while where I just start waking up an hour before my alarm feeling really pretty good. (this happens to me randomly for week long stretches if anyone knows what might cause it and how I can do this all the time, let me know!) So the later symptoms could just be from an earlier schedule. So I’m not super concerned at this point. Also the concerning news from the dentist has been weighing on me at this point, so some of this could also be from those concerns.

Day 5 Friday – Again 2 caps as directed and today was different. I was feeling tired and down much of the day. There was a bump in the morning, but late morning and mid day I was down. This was getting concerning. I was beginning to think that perhaps the Cortex was starting to give me issues.

However, later in the day, the mood and energy issues lifted and I felt better than I had all day.

Weird. Ok, so conclusion at the end of day 5: maybe these other issues had nothing to do with Cortex.  Try again tomorrow…

Day 6 Saturday – That’s today. 2 caps again. I am again feeling quite good and productive. Today probably more than any other day. I’m using words in this post that I normally don’t use (constituents) and I am already getting quite a lot done today. I’m feeling noticeably more mental energy than the average day.

I began to wonder if maybe I wasn’t eating enough the other days because if my brain were operating at a higher level maybe I’d need some more fuel. So I ate a pretty high carb breakfast to provide some glucose this morning. This seems to have helped.

Overall, Saturday was quite productive. Another point for Cortex.

Day 7 Sunday – Did the same again, but I got impatient and ate pretty soon after taking it this morning. It still seemed to work but maybe less powerfully.

It’s helping me feel like things are easier generally. This is really one of the big things I was looking for. My guess is that it’s the bacopa. Bacopa is supposed to raise your dopamine levels which is associated with motivation. It’s definitely helping in that area.

This is the end of my initial review of Cortex. I will keep trying it and let you know if there are any updates. At this point it’s definitely helping me have an more extraordinary brain.

I think I may also buy some of these ingredients separately in order to figure out which is doing the heavy lifting or if it is actually a synergistic effect.