Dec 11, 2016
I came across the Cortex nootropic stack when I happened upon the “Live Cortex” podcast whilst searching for podcasts talking about nootropics. The podcast is pretty good and during the course of it he talks up his product quite a bit. He gives frequent...
Dec 10, 2016
The Braverman test is supposed to be able to tell you two things. 1 – What neurotransmitters are dominant in your brain 2 – What neurotransmitters are deficient in your brain I first heard about this on a podcast. It was a passing reference and when I...
Nov 10, 2016
According to Neuroptimal, session 6 is, on average, the point where many people start to receive the most benefit from using their system. My plan was to go ahead and do at least 6 sessions to see if I could hit that mark. You can read about my uneventful sessions 1-3...
Nov 9, 2016
Dopamine levels decrease in the brains of people injected with inflammatory cytokines: “Conclusions These data replicate and extend findings that inflammatory stimuli, including inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon alfa, alter basal ganglia activity and...
Nov 2, 2016
I was planning to write about each individual session to give you as much information as I could. However, I quickly learned that there isn’t much to report from each session. They are pretty uneventful. At least for me they have been. You go in, get two...
Oct 24, 2016
In looking into and trying techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Neurofeedback, I am constantly coming across the concept of neuroplasticity. This very concept should give people great hope for recovery from mental health issues!...
Oct 18, 2016
I found this list just a couple hours before my first neurofeedback session. I’ve added my comments in italics. I’m not able to really do all of these for the first one, but I’ll try next time. I also plan to ask my practitioner for any preparation...
Oct 17, 2016
My very first appointment for Neuroptimal Neurofeedback training is tomorrow! I plan to tell the practitioner that about this blog to see if she has anything to say or maybe more info to contribute. I also plan to have a full report for you after it’s over!...
Oct 13, 2016
Before I really dive in on this journey, I want to give a bit of an assessment of where I am right now. Most of this is pretty subjective, but down below I did do an online brain test provided by Harvard, so I do have a bit of real-ish data. What I think needs...
Oct 13, 2016
While I’ve already done some dietary changes to improve my memory, I’ve decided to start this journey with neurofeedback. When I was at the Cleveland Clinic, my doctor suggested I try both EMDR and neurofeedback training. We will set EMDR aside for now....